Processing Modflow 11 is a graphical user interface designed for flow and transport simulations of surface water and groundwater using MODFLOW, GSFLOW, MT3D-USGS, SEAWAT, MODPATH, and PEST.

It includes built-in support for these models/codes and features a map-based interface that can display online basemaps and GIS shapefiles alongside model grids and results, such as contour maps, flow vectors, and pathlines for multiple models. The interface allows users to construct, calibrate, and run models while also providing tools for result visualization. Additionally, Processing Modflow 11 can import MODFLOW and MT3D models directly from their standard input files.

Below is a list of its key features—scroll down for more details. Click next to an item to display its associated image.

User Guide — Download SoftwareRecommended CitationsRelease Notes

Main Features


MODFLOW-2005 simulates steady-state and transient groundwater flow in irregularly shaped systems with confined, unconfined, or mixed aquifer layers. It can account for external stresses such as well pumping, areal recharge, evapotranspiration, drain flow, and river interaction. Hydraulic conductivity or transmissivity can vary spatially and be anisotropic, while storage properties may be heterogeneous. The model supports specified head and flux boundaries, as well as head-dependent fluxes along the model boundary. MODFLOW-NWT is an enhanced version of MODFLOW-2005 that uses a Newton-Raphson formulation to more robustly solve unconfined flow problems, particularly those involving drying and rewetting nonlinearities.

The supported packages for both MODFLOW-2005 and MODFLOW-NWT are listed below.


GSFLOW is a coupled groundwater and surface-water model that integrates the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS-V) with the USGS Modular Groundwater Flow Model (MODFLOW-NWT). It simulates flow across the land surface, within unsaturated and saturated zones, and through streams and lakes—enabling comprehensive modeling of watershed-scale hydrologic processes. GSFLOW is designed to assess the impacts of land-use changes, climate variability, and groundwater withdrawals on surface and subsurface flow. It supports applications from small to large watersheds (a few to several thousand km²) over periods ranging from months to decades.

Supported GSFLOW modules are listed below.


MT3DMS is a modular, three-dimensional transport model for simulating advection, dispersion, and chemical reactions of solutes in groundwater systems. MT3D-USGS is an enhanced release by the U.S. Geological Survey, offering expanded capabilities for simulating multispecies solute transport and reactive processes. SEAWAT is a coupled model that integrates MODFLOW and MT3DMS to simulate three-dimensional, variable-density, saturated groundwater flow. Its Variable-Density Flow (VDF) process allows fluid density to vary with solute concentration or pressure, and optionally includes the effects of viscosity, which can depend on solute concentration or temperature.

Although MT3DMS and SEAWAT are not specifically designed for heat transport, temperature can be treated as a solute by assigning appropriate transport coefficients—enabling simultaneous simulation of solute and heat transport.

Supported packages are listed below.


MODPATH is a particle-tracking post-processing program designed to work with MODFLOW. It employs a semi-analytical tracking scheme, allowing particle flow paths to be analytically calculated within each finite-difference cell. Particles are tracked cell-to-cell until they reach a boundary, internal sink/source, or meet a specified termination condition.

Processing Modflow seamlessly integrates MODPATH with the following options.

Zone Budget

Zonebudget is a post-processing tool for computing subregional water budgets using results from the MODFLOW model. Subregions are defined by assigning zone numbers via the Cell-by-Cell, Polyline, or Polygon tools in Processing Modflow. A separate budget is generated for each zone, including flow exchanges with adjacent zones. All three Zonebudget output formats are supported.


PEST is the industry-standard software for parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis in complex environmental models. BeoPEST, a parallel version of PEST inspired by Beowulf clusters, runs solution agents on individual CPU cores to accelerate Jacobian matrix computation. When used within Processing Modflow on multicore systems, this significantly speeds up the calibration process.

All PEST++ suite members also support parallelization. Processing Modflow integrates PESTPP-IESnew and PESTPP-GLMnew. The former works with Pilot Points and Kriging to generate calibration realizations that reflect realistic aquifer parameter distributions.

New observation types—Streamflow, Lake Stage, and Multi-layer head/drawdown—can be used with PEST, BeoPEST, and PEST++. The set of estimable aquifer parameters depends on the chosen internal flow package and layer types. Parameters can be calibrated as zones of uniformity or using the Pilot point method. See the user guide for details.

System Requirements


1 Native input data files of supported packages may be imported, except for the OC and LMT packages. Other restrictions may apply, for example SFR2 defined with parameters are not supported.
2 The model discretization limit subjects to the available physical resources of the computer, such as memory, disk space, and CPU speed. In general, the number of cells and layers of a model should be kept as small as possible. Unnecessary use of excessively large number of cells is not advised.
3 See here or here for lists of supported basemaps.
4 Most 3D graphics adapters are supported. To test the compatibility of your graphic adapter, download and run the Processing Modflow on your computer. If the application starts successfully, your graphics adapter is supported.